The focus of the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP) is the critical middle school experiences of students in science and engineering as they transition to high school. The project utilizes an innovative approach to teacher professional development among 12 high-needs urban schools (including "feeder" middle schools and their corresponding high schools) via courses and interdisciplinary research experiences, development of science and technology classroom materials that are aligned with state science learning standards, and inquiry-based curricula. The ISEP also combines novel mentoring approaches and expanded professional learning communities to build leadership and resources for improving science education in high-needs/high-potential urban schools. The learning communities cultivate mentoring relationships involving middle and high school teachers and students, University at Buffalo and Buffalo State College STEM faculty, education faculty, undergraduate students and graduate students, volunteer STEM professionals, and/or parents.
Project Contributions
The focus of ISEP is the critical middle school experiences of students in science and engineering as they transition to high school. The project utilizes an innovative approach to teacher…
The focus of ISEP is the critical middle school experiences of students in science and engineering as they transition to high school. The project utilizes an innovative approach to teacher…
Video: ISEP Short Documentary
See how the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP) is transforming science education in Buffalo Public Schools.
See how the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP) is transforming science education in Buffalo Public Schools.
Riding the Wave of Implementation: Navigating Change While Staying on Course
"This presentation will discuss, through the lens of the Project Manager, challenges faced and viable solutions used to address changes during the implementation phase. The session will be framed by…
"This presentation will discuss, through the lens of the Project Manager, challenges faced and viable solutions used to address changes during the implementation phase. The session will be framed by…
Developing a Conceptual Framework for Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry (ISI)
"The focus of our partnership project is on interdisciplinary science inquiry (ISI). However, data collected during our first year implementation suggest that majority of STEM faculty and K-12 science teachers…
"The focus of our partnership project is on interdisciplinary science inquiry (ISI). However, data collected during our first year implementation suggest that majority of STEM faculty and K-12 science teachers…
Examining Science Teachers' Development of Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry Pedagogical Knowledge and Practices
"The current literature relates to how teachers develop knowledge and practice of science inquiry but little has been reported on how teachers develop interdisciplinary science inquiry knowledge (ISI) and practice.…
"The current literature relates to how teachers develop knowledge and practice of science inquiry but little has been reported on how teachers develop interdisciplinary science inquiry knowledge (ISI) and practice.…
The Development of In-Service Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge Related to Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry
"This study was situated in a NSF-funded multi-year teacher professional development project, the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP), between the university and a school district in the North Eastern…
"This study was situated in a NSF-funded multi-year teacher professional development project, the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP), between the university and a school district in the North Eastern…
Examining Science Teachers' Development of Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry Pedagogical Knowledge and Practices
Developing Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry knowledge and practices help teachers improve both science instruction and student learning. The current literature supports how teachers develop knowledge and practice of science inquiry but…
Developing Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry knowledge and practices help teachers improve both science instruction and student learning. The current literature supports how teachers develop knowledge and practice of science inquiry but…
The Development of Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry Curriculum Knowledge
This study is situated in a project called the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP), a NSF - funded teacher professional development program between 12 public schools and 2 universities…
This study is situated in a project called the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP), a NSF - funded teacher professional development program between 12 public schools and 2 universities…
Supporting the Development of Science Communication Skills in STEM University Students: Understanding their learning experiences as they work in middle and high school classrooms
This paper examines the roles that 52 university Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students play in an Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership that connects several middle schools, high schools,…
This paper examines the roles that 52 university Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students play in an Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership that connects several middle schools, high schools,…
Understanding Meanings of Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry in an Era of Next Generation Science Standards
Once again the new educational reform is dawning in the US and a framework for K-12 science education addresses need of science, engineering and technology, which permeates every aspect of…
Once again the new educational reform is dawning in the US and a framework for K-12 science education addresses need of science, engineering and technology, which permeates every aspect of…
Understanding In-service Teachers' Orientation towards Interdisciplinary Science Inquiry
The notion of a science teaching orientation is central to understanding a teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and the relationship between their knowledge, beliefs and practice (Abell, 2007). Teachers' science…
The notion of a science teaching orientation is central to understanding a teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and the relationship between their knowledge, beliefs and practice (Abell, 2007). Teachers' science…
Bus 52 Presents: ISEP
"With more and more resources being cut from public school systems across the country, students are becoming increasingly likely to drop science from their work load as they move from middle school to high school..."
"With more and more resources being cut from public school systems across the country, students are becoming increasingly likely to drop science from their work load as they move from middle school to high school..."
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership (ISEP) Targeted MSP
Posted by: Karen King . Effective STEM teaching in a high needs urban school district is supported by increased content knowledge, gained from interdisciplinary research experiences and supported by enhanced learning communities, supported by wrap…
Posted by: Karen King . Effective STEM teaching in a high needs urban school district is supported by increased content knowledge, gained from interdisciplinary research experiences and supported by enhanced learning communities, supported by wrap…